what carte-noire has

on under theme
2 minute read

The theme carte-noire looks astounding (momo: my opinions, my own); and that was one of the key features of it that made me want to use it with my own blog.

however, i also found in due course of time, that it also has a lot else to offer.

the first amongst them is thumbnails.

The 'square-pencil-o' icon you see at the top of this page was just me typing

thumbnail:  pencil-square-o

at the beginning of markdown in this post. So, simply put, font-awesome icons are used.

However, if you need a custom icon of yours, you're free to do that as well. You just need to edit the _data/thumbnails.yml and add your thumbnail spec in the following format:

jekyll: "http://i.imgur.com/aRQcGSi.png"

This has been more clearly elaborated here.

The rest is just beauty of design. Jacob has written a wonderful post here which I shall shamelessly kang (a part of) to illustrate this point.

different font styles



strikethrough and insertions

Code, with syntax highlighting

Code blocks use the peppermint theme.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<style>body {width: 500px;}</style>

<script type="application/javascript">
  function $init() {return true;}

  <p checked class="title" id='title'>Title</p>
  <!-- here goes the rest of the page -->


They're responsive, and well-proportioned (in padding, line-height, margin, and font-size).

They draw the perfect amount of attention

This allows your content to have the proper informational and contextual hierarchy. Yay.

well, ain't that true?

There are lists, too

  • of
  • course
  • there
  • is

and images

cute bunny picture


blockquotes look great

you'll find me frequently (or not so much) posting quotes here, so.

Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina

(Everything sounds more impressive in Latin)

markdown options

Finally, getting back to markdown, here are a few options provided apart from layout, title, and date which are provided already by jekyll:

  • author
  • summary
  • categories
  • thumbnail
  • tags

En total, awesome.

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