initializing subsys blog

on under random
1 minute read

hello, friend.

This is not going to be some long post that explains my life story, or about when or why I started to write a blog.

I'm not that good at writing either; so, be warned.

Au contraire, it's going to be relatively short. Very, in fact.

thanks to a beautiful theme theme by @jacobtomlinson for his beautiful theme carte-noire.

there's no google analytics (I'm not sure how or why I need that set up).

There'll not be much* cookie tracking, fret not.

*The comments system that I use [Disqus], however, do have their own set of cookies.

I can't and won't be able to notify your email everytime I post something; and I definitely wouldn't want to be the one cluttering up your inbox.

You may however, get RSS.

this post will end shortly, as I said earlier; so, let's get started.

I don't want to survive. I want to live.

welcome, note
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