writing dyn_image; a 'dynamic' image with php
this is an old blog post from my previous blog
Who doesn't love a cool forum signature? How about one that changes everytime you refresh the page?
The first time I came into contact with dynamic images was when I saw this text on the popular mobile forum XDA-Developers; and it didn't take me long to trace it back to this guy here; AceInfinity. Inevitably, it found a way into my signature; and stayed there for a very long time.
Days rolled by; and I eventually almost forgot all about it; but there was a constant little voice at the back of my head reminding how awesome it was and the only thing that I remembered was that it was written in PHP.
I had no idea about PHP, but after 'quickly' making a project for an exhibition; I had a little idea about how PHP works.
So, quickly decided to come back and write one such piece of code myself. Quickly found my way to the imagecreate functions, and as a result, dyn_image!
You can find a live example here.
I wanted it to be truly 'useful' so, I added support for parameters, and support for reading text from external sources (currently, pastebin).
pastebin id -
fallback text -
font size (1 - 5) -
left|center|right -
jpeg|gif|png|webp(experimental) -
html color hex in argb ?bg_color=
html color hex in argb (or) transparentraw text delimiters:
: end of string1\n
: new line\a
: author
you can find an example of text here: http://pastebin.com/FeLudYh4
The above text is what I'm using over at XDA-Developers in my forum signature; with the following options:
What's more? Since I support open-source (a lot, usually); you can even find its source (here), and hack it up the way you want it to work!
That's me signing off; after trying to write documentation for the stupid things I sometimes write.
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